You might be wondering why my blog is called "ChardonnayGirl". I thought about the things I like and Chardonnay(which is white wine made from green-skinned grape) came to my mind first. I like the way it doesn't turn my mouth red and also the way it sounds. Few years back when I was majoring in Hotel service/management in college, I took few bartending classes and chardonnay was my favorite discovery at the time. Plus, it is affordable and easy to drink alcohol since I'm not a big fan of bitter drinks.
To be honest, I'm not an expert on anything, so do not expect to read all useful stuffs from my blog. It will usually be about my studies (business/hotel/service/marketing/HRM related topics) and my hobbies(food/culture/coffee shops/cosmetic/skincare/inspiration).
Currently I'm a graduate student of business administration major in a Japanese University. I just want to share my ideas and thoughts on things with people that know me as well as those who don't know me personally. That way I hope I can improve my writing and language skills. You probably already noticed that English is not my mother tongue. So please try to understand my spelling and grammar mistakes. Most of my posts will be in English and only few will be in Japanese or Mongolian. And I'm open for any constructive criticism and questions. Since I'm living in Japan for the last 6 to 7 years, my perspective on some things has completely changed and I'm open to share them to those interested.
Recently I've been feeling down without any specific reasons. It's been going on with me for few months now. And I'm ashamed to say I'm depressed because I should be grateful for the things I have now. I'm definitely a one blessed girl on the planet. I just married to a man of my dreams just a month ago. We are living apart now but we've been together for almost 5 years dating and living together. 6 months ago, he graduated and decided to work back home. So I've been tripping on my own for the last few months to finish my studies and planning my wedding. I'm on a full scholarship this year, so comparing to last year I have plenty of time although I have to finish my thesis by December.(headache)
Talking about last year, it was a real challenge for us. We both had to pay some part of our college fee and our bills while being a full time students. We had to work part-time and get good grades to get a scholarship. I worked 11 hours a day including commuting in a cosmetic shop 3 to 4 times a week and had 3 days of busy school days which usually left me a day or none to get rest, have some quality time with my boyfriend and to get 3 to 4 assignments done every week. I am proud of our achievements last year but I'm really disappointed in my self this year. I haven't done anything productive except my wedding in August. It was a magical day of my life but girl!! You got to do what you got to do to feel accomplished. Right? Because I think setting small goals and achieving every single one of them is what gets you going and it helps to accomplish big dreams. And that's what I have been not doing for the last few months.So until next time let's get up as early as possible and be more productive together! I'm hoping writing this blog will help me to get out of this depression and find my confidence back.
Sorry, i'm reading lately of your post. Hopefully, you are not depressed at all, nowadays. Sometimes, taking a break for a while is great thing for you because you have a time to understand yourself. Human is not machine, they should spend enjoyfull life.
Sorry, i'm reading lately of your post. Hopefully, you are not depressed at all, nowadays. Sometimes, taking a break for a while is great thing for you because you have a time to understand yourself. Human is not machine, they should spend enjoyfull life.
Ayush Aagii Thank you for the very first comment on my blog! :) Well yes! I feel much better these days and trying to concentrate on my thesis. And I do agree that we should take a break sometimes.
sain baina uu? chinii blog iig dunguj say olj unshlaa. mash ih baharhaj baina. ulam
ih amjiltiig chin setgeleesee husey. chamaas asuuh asuult bainaa. bi bas hospitality management/ hote restaurant management chigleleer master's hiih bodoltoi baigaa yumaa. tegeed yapond ene mergejil ih hovor baidgiig olj medlee. chi haana bachelors aa hiisen be? minii huseed baigaa mergejleer yapond angli hel deer masters degree avah bolomj baidag bolov uu?
@Narangua Sain baina uu? Bayarlalaa.
Hospitality management eer bol Japand master hiihed songolt mash baga baidag. Angli hel deer bol barag baihgui gej helj bolno. Ih surguuli bolon colleguud zunduu baigaa. Uchir ni uilchilgeenii salbariin huvid ypond humuus 2,3 jiliin college tugsuud shuud ajillaj ehlehiig iluud uzdeg. Hamgiin gol ni turshlaga hardag bolohoor jishee ni hoteld anh ajild orohdoo dood alban tushaalaas ehleed baga bagaar deeshilj yvdag. Master aa avaad shuud l manager bolno gesen oilgolt end er ni baidaggui. Tiim bolohoor minii huvid master hiih bol US bolon busad ornuud iluu zugeer um bna gej bodson. Bi endehiin Hospitality and Tourism College(2jil)-g tugsuud urgeljluled business iin udirdlagaar bakalavraa avsan. (3-r kurseesee shalgalt ogood oor surguuli ruu shiljij orj boldog)
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