Learning two languages at once (Effortless way to improve English vocabulary)

11/23/2015 chardonnaygal 0 Comments

  Learning two languages at once is a challenging thing to do. There was a time I had to take basic French and Chinese courses at once. I mean, that sounds impossible!

Basic French is a compulsory course for every one studying food/service/hospitality management.(Mainly because many French words are used in the hospitality industry starting from "A la carte")

About Chinese course, I just wanted to give it a shot when I had the chance considering there are some resemblances to Japanese. I can't say I can communicate in both languages, but in the future, who knows. And don't even remind me of that compulsory Russian course in high school. I learnt literally nothing for a year, maybe that's why I admire people who speak fluent Russian.


Winter favorites in Japan

11/03/2015 chardonnaygal 0 Comments

   Жил бүрийн өдийд буюу 12 сар дөхөх тусам, шинэ оноос өмнө төлөвлөсөн ажлаа хийж амжуулах хүсэл, гадуур зугаалж нүд сэтгэлээ баясгах хүсэл 2 давхцаж, түрийвч болон бүтээмжинд халтай өдрүүд миний хувьд үргэлжилдэг. Нөгөө талаас жилийн хамгийн дурсамжтай сайхан үйл явдлууд эдгээр 2 сард болдог юм шиг санагддаг. Анхны үерхэл, хайртай учруулсан, олон сайхан найзуудтай болгосон өвлийн эдгээр саруудад би хамгийн дуртай.